Ecclésiaste 3:1-21 Il y a un temps pour tout, un temps pour toute chose sous les cieux:2 un temps pour naître, et un temps pour mourir; un temps pour planter, et un temps pour arracher ce qui a été planté; Le temps est l’un des plus grands dons que Dieu à donner aux Hommes. Cette monnaie qui nous permet de jouir de la présence de ceux qui nous sont chers, d’investir dans notre éducation, de rêver et d’accomplir. . Quel grâce...
What amazes me most about joy is that it's not a fleeting feeling. It doesn't fade with the moods of others or even the circumstances around us. If we took the time to explain how to have joy, the only possible conclusion we would reach is that it is a divine provision. Let’s think about it: appearing continually happy can be interpreted by others as joy, when in fact it's a mask put on by the person wearing it so as not to be a cause...
Words are part of the rare things that when it’s given out it’s hard to take back. Every word counts and should be spoken with care. If not, it might leave a scar that only God can cure. One of the lessons that should be learned about words is the art of speaking wisely. The way we choose words impacts the reputation that we have in a positive or negative way. Also, It can bring close or push away the people that surround us. Words...
One thing I am sure of is that God's goodness is beyond human comprehension. It's painful to see the misuse of resources around the world. In my quest to understand what God thinks of the state of our world, I've repeatedly asked him: "aren't you tired of us?" Each time I asked him this question, he took me back to Lamentations 3:22-23 "No, the Lord's kindnesses ╵ have no end and his tender mercies ╵ are not exhausted. Every morning...
Philippians 4:7 The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. In an ever-changing world, things that were familiar or expected can get out of hand. Blame and offense are the most common ways of dealing with this. Unfortunately, they bring neither healing nor breakthrough. I'm reminded of Matthew 6:27, which says, "Can any of you, by worrying, add a single hour to his life?" In the same...
Rejoice is a song filled with God's truth and joy. I first received the first half of the first verse. Over time, I was able to complete it thanks to God's wisdom and the advice of my mother and sister. This song reminds us that God's promises are immutable, but for them to be effective in our lives, we must keep in mind who God is and what He has done.